Modern Safety Management

Modern Safety Management


This intensive workshop is intended for leaders and managers at all levels within the organization.
The workshop introduces the attendees to the philosophy that Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is not solely the responsibility of the employees
or the safety department. The workshop will explain the management function and management principles that apply to safety management. It will
cover past practices in OHS and introduce contemporary concepts now being practiced world-wide to protect workers in the workplace.
The workshop explains modern terms used in OHS and will introduce proactive goal setting and measurement for safety performance. It examines
in depth the management control function (IISSMECC) as well as the ISO 45001 recommended implementation strategy of Plan, Do, Correct, Act
(PDCA) for implementing and auditing a Safety Management System (SMS).

A number of elements of a SMS are discussed and the benefit of these to the reduction of risk is explained. The workshop will equip young leaders
and managers to recognize risk and how to mitigate them by introducing aspects of the SMS.
Extensive use is made of visual aids during this workshop and handouts include numerous examples of SMS control documents, reporting systems,
forms, booklets, example standards and policies, etc.

After attending this workshop, the attendees will:

  • Understand the basic philosophy of health and safety management.
  • Know the management principles applicable to health and safety.
  • Learn basic concepts such as risk, accident, injury, near miss incident.
  • Understand the loss causation model and its components.
  • Be able to demonstrate the concept of Risk Management.
  • Know HIRA and be able to assess risks.
  • Be able to identify high-risk acts and conditions.
  • Recognize a Safety Management System (SMS).
  • Be able to participate in accident investigations.
  • Understand a manager’s role in health and safety.
  • Be able to explain Authority, Responsibility and Accountability.


• Emergency plan.
• History of occupational safety.
• Modern safety concepts.
• What is Safety?
• Definitions of accident/incident/injury/loss
• Traditional measurement methods
• What is management/ supervision?
• Whose Job is it (Team project)
• The four functions of management (POLC)
• Authority, Responsibility and Accountability. Role Play.
• High – risk acts and conditions exercise.
• The cause, effect, and control of accidental loss. Demonstration.
• Why don’t workers report?
• Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) methodology
• The management control function.
• IISSMECC. (Identify risk and work to be done, set standards, measure, evaluate, correct.)
• Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
• Management by objectives (MBO).
• The 3 Luck Factors
• Setting the example.
• Condoned practice
• The cane or carrot approach?
• Three strikes and you’re out!
• Safety paradigms.
• Visible Felt Leadership.
• Immediate cause identification and analysis exercise
• Root cause analysis
• The true cause of accidents
• Management action plans
• Delegation
• Traditional versus modern safety
• Safety’s Paradigms
• Safety Management Control
• Management principles applicable to safety
• Understanding ISO 45001
• Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA)
• Safety Management Systems (SMS) Sections, Elements, Minimum Standards
• Employees buy-in and participation.
• Hazard control
• Risk Management
• Systems and Standards
• Safety Effort and Experience (SEE).
• Setting proactive KPI’s for safety
• Health and Safety Standards evaluation
• Audit Inspection
• Audit Protocol
• Audit Process
• Manager’s role
• Documented verification
• Evaluating SMS Standards, policies, and procedures.
• Audit procedure and rules
• Scoring
• Action Plans
• Measuring Safety Success
• Audit scores and LTIF rates
• Review of important topics
• Team quiz
• Personality of the workshop

Training Methodology

This instructor led training is delivered using a blended learning approach and comprises of presentations, guided sessions of practical exercise and group work.
You will have the opportunity to interact with our experienced facilitator who will bring professional and research expertise into their teaching.


Course End Test


Successful candidates will be awarded a certificate of Training from ASSP-MEC credit CEU 2.4.

Available Dates
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Program Details
Awarding Body: ASSP
Targeted Audience
Team leaders
Facilities managers
Health and Safety Professionals
Executive managers
Senior company executives
Safety Representatives
Fees Details
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